The “2025 ECO Tourism Capital” events began with an enthusiastic opening ceremony in Erzurum. Erzurum was selected as the “2025 ECO Tourism Capital” at the 4th Tourism Ministers Meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) hosted by Uzbekistan in December 2022. The first program of the events, organized after months of preparation, was the procession from Havuzbaşı City Square to the Twin Minaret Madrasa.
The performance of the Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Mehter Team and the walk carrying the 100-meter-long giant flag offered a visual feast to the participants. The ceremony held after the procession ended in front of the Twin Minaret Madrasa celebrated the beginning of the events that aim to strengthen the cultural and economic ties of the region.
Great Interest in Winter Sports
The opening of the organization, which included many winter sports such as speed skating, curling, alpine skiing and snowboarding, was held with great participation. Erzurum's local administrators, academic and administrative staff and students showed great interest in the event.
Muharrem Çığlık, the Economic Cooperation Organization 2025 Erzurum Tourism Capital Coordinator, made the following statements in his speech at the event: “Erzurum deserves the title of capital with its infrastructure and superstructure. We believe that Erzurum, which holds the title of ECO Tourism Capital throughout 2025, will be an important center at the international level with its rich cultural heritage and winter tourism potential. These events will not only contribute to the promotion of our city, but also to the strengthening of cooperation and friendship ties between ECO member countries. We are proud to support our city in this process.”
Stating that a new page has been added to Erzurum's history, Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mehmet Sekmen said, "We are adding a new page to our city's history. Erzurum is one of the ancient cities of not only our country but also the world with its deep history, vast culture and unique natural beauties. Today, we are experiencing the happiness of crowning this valuable heritage with the title of '2025 Economic Cooperation Organization Tourism Capital'."
Stating that Erzurum was deemed worthy of the title of European Winter Sports Capital in addition to being the tourism capital, Governor Mustafa Çiftçi announced that the winter games to be held in the city will also start with the opening ceremony. Stating that 400 athletes from 17 countries will participate in the winter games, Çiftçi announced that 70 different activities will be organized throughout the year within the scope of the 2025 Tourism Capital events.
At the ceremony where the protocol lit the winter games torch, the athletes of the countries that will participate in the competitions that will last for 6 days greeted the participants in their own languages.
Torch Lighted, Winter Games Officially Started
At the end of the event, the torch, the symbol of the organization, was symbolically lit and the Winter Games officially started.
Will Continue with Events Throughout the Year
The 2025 ECO Tourism Capital events that started in Erzurum will continue with different organizations to be organized throughout the year. These events, which will further strengthen the cultural and economic ties between ECO member countries, will continue to contribute to the development of the city and the region.