Institutional Structure of the Economic Cooperation Organization - ERZURUM


Summit: The ECO Summit is held at the level of heads of state/government every two years. To date, 16 ECO Summits and one Extraordinary Summit have been held. Türkiye has hosted the 2nd ECO Summit in 1993, the 7th in 2002, the 10th in 2010, and the 14th in 2021. The most recent, the 16th ECO Summit, was held in Tashkent on November 9, 2023.

Council of Ministers: As the highest decision-making body of the organization, the council of ministers convenes annually at the level of foreign ministers. The most recent council meeting was held on October 9-10, 2023, in Shusha, Azerbaijan.

Regional Planning Council: This council meets at least once a year, chaired by the heads or undersecretaries of the planning organizations of member countries. Its main role is to review the organization's agenda, programs, projects, and activities, and to prepare the activity calendar.

Council of Permanent Representatives: Composed of the ambassadors of member countries in Tehran and the director general for ECO Affairs at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this council convenes monthly to discuss ongoing matters.

ECO Secretariat : The ECO Secretariat consists of six directorates and six sections in the ECO Secretariat staffed by professionals working in the relevant areas of regional economic cooperation. Each directorate is headed by a director while each section is run by a head of section. There are also several programme officers and research officers working in each directorate of the Secretariat.

Directorate of Trade and Investment (TI)

Directorate of Transport and Communications (TC)

Directorate of Energy, Mineral and Environment (EME)

Directorate of Tourism

Directorate of Agriculture and Industry (AI)

Directorate of Human Resources and Sustainable Development (HRSD)

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